Why I Started and Why I Share

Hey, guys what is going on it is Wendy Jo and I am really excited to finally be getting a blog post up for you. I have been so busy getting YouTube training and Tik-Tok training done and being Mom and running our 8 streams of income that I have just not had time to sit down and type but today's the day!

So today I wanted to just talk to you guys a little bit about why I started working from home, how I started working from home and why in the world I share all of this free education with everyone. A lot of people ask me why, if our businesses are doing so well, I would spend so much time educating other people and the honest answer to that is I would be bored out of my mind if I was not pouring my heart and soul into something. It's just how I am wired so here we are.

I started working for myself 25 years ago when the kids were little and all of them weren't even here yet. My husband and I were youth pastors and needed the extra income but I did not want to work outside of our house because I wanted to be the one raising our kids. We were willing to make some sacrifices obviously so that I could be home but I was easily bored and so I started figuring out things I could do.

Fast forward to today and all of those years of building different businesses and trial-and-error have given me more experience than I ever could have gotten going to some sort of business school for an education. Now I do have a dual degree actually in Biblical Theology and World Mission, however, my main focus in life is obviously raising my kids but also just running our small businesses and our streams of passive income.

I have shared on Tik-Tok and on YouTube I think about the different ways that we earn income but some of them are our YouTube channels, our sales businesses, print-on-demand, digital downloads, clothing lines, KDP journal, influencer deals with companies and I'm sure there's some I'm missing in there but you get the idea. Digital downloads and print on demand are absolutely passive income as well as affiliate marketing, that's another one that I left out, it is also a very passive stream of income. Obviously, our sales from home are not passive. Our clothing line however is passive because we work with a company that prints our designs for us and ships them for us so that has become very passive as well.

As a family of 7 being in full-time ministry, we got very behind very quickly on our retirement and so the last several years have been spent catching up on everything. We have been able to scale our businesses to multiple six figures and we are so thankful that we have had the opportunity to do that. It is a huge blessing to our family and that is why I have chosen to take the time to train other people how to do this. I see so many "influencers” out there that want to sell people a course for thousands of dollars and in all honesty, they are not even making income from any of the ways they are teaching people! They are making money from those courses that they are selling. That is why I decided to jump in and start recording everything I knew and have learned about running our online businesses and earning passive income. Giving back is part of who we have always been and who I always want to be known for.

So as we jump into what is hopefully going to be a weekly blog post I just wanted to share a little bit about why I got started and why I share so openly with you guys the way that I do. Everything I do is absolutely free to you. You will find links here and there on my website and in my YouTube videos that you can click and I will get paid a few pennies for you using my links. Subscribing to my YouTube channel and following me on Tik-Tok and Pinterest are also ways that you can help that cost you absolutely nothing! Occasionally I will post a link to something that does cost but I find valuable. 

I am currently writing several e-books with step-by-step instructions on everything you need to know to set up different types of passive income streams. I just finished the first one and it is available HERE! These new books will basically put into writing a lot of the teachings that I have on my YouTube channel. I will have one on print on demand, one on creating digital downloads, one on creating KDP journals Etc. Those books will be for people who need something in front of them to work from rather than a video format like YouTube or Tik-Tok and there will be a nominal fee for them. 

Thank you for hopping on today and for following along on this journey. Let me know how I can help you and what questions you have about earning passive income and I will do my best to answer!

Always living the Crazy Life


Wendy Jo


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