twas the night before Christmas...Davis style
Every creature was stirring...even Joe’s in the house!
The stockings are hung by the fireplace with care...
except for the one’s Carter wouldn’t leave there!
They’re eating the sugarplums...their mouths are all red!
I’m in a T-shirt and Matthew a cap,
We only wish we could take a long winter’s nap.
When outside the condo there arose such a clatter,
we could only imagine what might be the matter.
We ran to the window, as quick as a flash,
Through open the blinds...don’t think we have a sash...

The moon shining down on the fresh fallen snow,
Gave just enough light to see the children below!
Running around, I could not see quite clear,
But I’m pretty sure Carter’s wearing just underwear!
With his sister in tow and the rest close behind,
They were TPing the complex, every tree, every vine.
More rapid than eagles those little legs ran,
But they all paused a moment when I yelled out “Young Man!"
You Carter, You Abbie get your hiney’s in gear!
To the top of the stairs, all three flights do not stall!
Go quickly, don’t wait...but please, do not fall."
As dry leaves that before the hurricane fly,
Those kids ran those stairs before I blinked an eye!
Up to the doorstep in a moment or two,
With a roll of toilet paper and duct tape too!
Some scraping and clawing...surely those are not hoofs.
As I closed the door and turned quickly around,
Down the Christmas Tree fell with a bound!
Carter was buried from his head to his foot,
He new he was in trouble when he saw “the look”.
A look of fear in his eyes as he lay on his back,
He looked like a thief getting caught in the act!
But his eyes how they twinkled! His dimples, how merry!
And his cheeks were like roses, little nose like a cherry.
I must be quick to forget, for how quickly he’ll grow!
A small little smile began to show his teeth,
And his giggle burst out as I dragged him out by his feet.
We set up the tree, hung the stockings... again,
Fixed the presents and lights, and tucked the kids in.
Another day come and gone, another year too...
If we didn’t have our kids...well, what would we do?
I hear them all whisper as I turned out the lights,
Merry Christmas you guys....Let’s Pillow Fight!!
Thanks for stopping by!
(And have a very Merry Christmas!)
Crazy Mom, Crazy Wife, Crazy Life
Wendy Jo
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